What’s often overlooked is how Cambridge Analytica operated to unlawfully deepen the impact of its billionare owners’ political spending.

The new docs show that Cambridge Analytica facilitated illegal coordination between a Mercer-backed super PAC & the Trump campaign.
The materials show that Cambridge Analytica staff understood that the Mercers called the shots.

For example, an email from Alexander Nix showed that the Mercers installed Kellyanne Conway as the head of a Mercer super PAC, and that the PAC was expected to contract with CA.
The Trump campaign later hired Kellyanne Conway at the behest of the Mercers. Today, Conway says that those who headed Cambridge Analytica were “crooks and thieves and liars.” https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-donald-trump-political-action-committees-elections-campaigns-42a5705b23bbbc780083f57b071bbcb0
Robert Mercer poured millions into a pro-Trump super PAC in the final stretch of the 2016 cycle. Both it and the Trump campaign then contracted with Cambridge Analytica—which created the conditions for illegal coordination. The new docs show any firewall was a façade.
The docs also provide a rare look into the ads created by Cambridge Analytica—which until this point have been largely unavailable—and indicate a striking consistency between the Trump campaign's ads and those created by Cambridge Analytica for the Mercers’ pro-Trump super PAC.
The docs also provide new insight into Steve Bannon's overlapping roles. Bannon was a CA board member who was involved in its operations (as this email shows).

The Mercers urged Trump to hire Bannon, but he kept an ownership stake in CA even after becoming Trump’s campaign CEO.
During the same period that Bannon was Trump campaign CEO, Cambridge Analytica (which he part-owned) sub-contracted with Bannon’s production company “Glittering Steel” to produce ads for the pro-Trump super PAC, which by law was supposed to be independent of Trump's campaign.
In other words, the Mercers’ pro-Trump super PAC contracted with one company owned by Trump’s campaign CEO, which contracted with another company owned by the campaign CEO, to produce ads supporting Trump. The super PAC's ads are hardly “independent” of the Trump campaign.
The docs also provide new insight into CA’s work for the Trump campaign and the Mercers' pro-Trump super PAC.

For example, it has not been reported that CA poured big money into Michigan on behalf of the Mercers’ super PAC in the final 72 hours of the 2016 election.
According to Cambridge Analytica’s post-election report, “If [the Mercers’ super PAC] had not made the final GOTV investment in the state, we can reasonably argue Trump would not have achieved his historic victory in Michigan.” https://archive.org/details/ca-docs-with-redactions-sept-23-2020-4pm/page/n83/mode/2up?q=michigan
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