1/ Thread: Hormesis 101. Hormesis is a biphasic dose response organisms have to environmental agents/stressors. It is biological proof that the Nietzschism, "Was mich nicht umbringt macht mich stärker" —arguably the founding premise
2/ of /fit/ + bodybuilding twitter, is in fact true. Origin —> 1880s toxicologist Hugo Schulz discovers that low doses of poison/disinfectant stimulates yeast growth (a sign of health) before becoming toxic/fatal at high doses. What mean? There is a nonlinear, dose-dependent
3/ relationship between stressors and harm or benefit. @nntaleb calls this "Proto-Antifragility", an incomplete, minor league echo of the grand AF concept. So, Hormesis is when small dose = positive health, high dose = death. The premise is simple, the implications are vast...
4/ When you place meat in a 150-200* box for a dosage of 12hrs, it falls off the bone —we call this "barbecue". Take the same stressor at a dose of 30mins, you get heat shock proteins. We call this "Joe Rogan" + buzzwords like #Health, #Longevity #BioHacking. Hormesis in action.
5/ My tag @HormetcAesthetc is a nod to the tight relationship between hormetic stressors and aesthetics. The rugged vitality of Perseus or Farnese Hercules implies stressors applied over time at the optimal dosage —enough to make powerful, beautiful, but not so much to destroy.
6/ Consider the gravity acting on a weight you lift the stressor. At a high dose, it will break/kill you —at the right (low) dose, you can push against it for reps, triggering a health response: muscular hypertrophy. You become robust, aesthetic, a more magnetic, energetic being.
7/ And yet, you can fly too close to the sun. I will explore implications of hormesis in culture, economics, and other non-bio domains in future threads. For now, I'm off to try and make it (hormesis). Zyzz was referring to hormetic aesthetics btw. FIN
8/ Endnote: (inb4 someone gets mad) The crucial distinction between hormesis/hormetic effects and @nntaleb 's "antifragility" is that hormesis is for perishable entities, making them robust (DOES NOT = antifragility). Antifragility is reserved for non-perishable ideas, entities.
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