#NEET2020RESULTS To all of you out there who didn't make it :

1) It's okay.
2) This is just a single test. It doesn't define you.
3) Yeah, I know you think it does rn, but trust me, it's not worth the thought.

(A thread)
4) I know to some of your it might be feeling like the end of the world, life whatever. It's not. There's so much more to life than this. It's just a down ING the many ups you have had or will have in life.
5) I know you feel like getting rid of social media rn. It's natural. It's tough to see your peers get ahead while you couldn't. If you think getting rid of social media will bring you even an ounce of peace, do it.
6) This is a method of rejection and not selection. Please keep this in mind. This will help you cope.
7) There will always be someone better you know. Next year there might be someone with 720/720 but they might be so brilliant they get into Harvard and leave India or do something like that. It's a never ending story. Today was just a part of that.
8) Don't let this be the biggest failure of your life. Don't let it form a home into you. I know it's disappointing. A lot of us have been there, but you need to come out to do better and reach some place better than where you are today.
9) Cry all you want but please make sure you wipe your tears too.
10) You are not alone.
I am saying all of this because I have been where you are. You have failed this once. Guess what, I have failed in NEET four times ('15 and '16 had it twice each year), AIIMS twice, MGIMS, Wardha twice, JIPMER twice , Manipal Twice, GUJCET twice, CGPMT twice and so on.
I wasn't expecting to be at a medical college but somehow I did in '16 based on my merit which was just sheer luck I guess.

Got diagnosed with Major Depression and underwent an year long therapy.

Still have SAD. I get anxious every year during NEET and it's results.
All of this, because I believed this was all that was to life. Only if someone had told me it wasn't. Here, I am telling you, it isn't.

You deserve to be happy whether you score or you don't.
Someone who has had a series of failures and still made it somehow.
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