China man miscalculated. What was to be a neat salami slice op along with added toppings of doing down Indian Govt, has gone horribly wrong. Now they are getting the butt end of the rifle.
Asiatic, is looking for a face save and pull back.
For some time chinaman made a Charlie out of everyone. The MEA, the politicians, the military ( those hand in hand trainings). Some mil offrs were more into (military) diplomacy then keeping a sharp eye on the adversary.
The Chinese carried out strategic deception, hiding their true intentions. However Indian response after initial surprise has been tough, and that ‘ol chinaman did not expect. Came at a cost when 20 soldiers were bludgeoned to death at Galway.
The likes of Sagat and Hanut never fell for this diplomacy stuff. And handled the chinaman roughly. They were kept in their place. Chinaman will respect strength. You waver and he will grab the opportunity. So give us less of military diplomats
And more of cut and dried plain speaking generals who know their job and don’t have a tendency to look over their shoulders for approval and assurance. Given a task they will do it to their best ability, and brook no interference. Like Sagat who refused to pull back
Or pause at Meghna. Or Hanut who decided to cross Basantar. If they had failed they would have been on the block. But that was acceptable to them, but not acceptable to be taught how to play marbles at this stage of their career.
Let’s not wean out such material. As it is it comes by rarely. Tendency to seek approval needs to be curbed. It’s malefic effects may not resonate in CI ops, but in conventional ops against a capable enemy it tends to freeze the commander and destroys his decision making ability.
His self confidence and self worth stands whittled away. Those who plan leadership at higher levels, must be clear in their own heads, what material they seek. In battle you ride a stallion not a pony.
In peace that stallion will be more than a handful, that doesn’t mean you castrate him or remove him from the cavalry charge lineup. Man Managemt is complex. Well managed it gives results in battle.
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