Hybrid learning, foisted on teachers and students with almost no notice, may be possible for very tech-savy teachers who have a lot of time to prepare for teaching two very different groups of students with different needs*, but not at the kindergarten level. #ycdsb
*and by this I mean not teachers who have kids or housework or other relatives at home to attend to. So, you know, not a lot of teachers.
Distance learners need to be engaged. Little ones need this constantly. Our old online teacher did this, but our current teacher can't. She's got a classroom full of JKs and SKs! She's teaching, evaluating, trying to do the tech, and frequently stopping to sanitize kid's hands.
I think hybrid learning is a disservice to all kids and an unbearable weight on teachers who are now also managing public health and trying to prevent outbreaks in their classes. It seems to be a death sentence for any learning among the lowest grades. #ycdsb
Today my daughter's teacher asked her class a question and my kiddo turned to me and said, "She's talking to her real class, not us." She's begged to go back to school if she promises to wear her mask (our household has two older members, one with asthma).
When my child was doing distance learning with her teacher, she saw many children each day. She learned so much and made friends. She answered questions many times a day. Now my daughter can't see any children in class or online. She's called on once a day, besides attendance.
Beyond losing her connection to the distance kids and a teacher who knew and included her, she now hears happy kids playing in a classroom all day. She now knows that she's being kept out of school, while other children are going. It's breaking her heart. #ycdsb
The teacher is doing her best, but she's got so much on her plate. This plan is absolute garbage for younger learners, their teachers, and parents. A parent working from home would have almost no chance at getting anything done with this setup.
I am so frustrated with #ycdsb, but what guarantee do I have if I pull her from the Catholic board and put her in public that the public board wouldn't do this to us with no notice as the Catholic board did?
I'm going to college online right now. Homeschool for me is not ideal! But if I'm going to not be able to do my studying anyway because I have to keep dragging my kid to a class she hates, why not just skip fighting and have fun and learn together?
I'm just so sad to see my daughter go from finally having acclimated to her online class and making friends to being completely isolated and learning to hate school. What a shame. #ycdsb #onted #hybridlearning
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