The @nytimes Editorial Board says Donald Trump is "our national crisis", but Trump is just a symptom of our true national crisis:

Thanks to our post-71 USD system, it now takes 53 weeks of work to afford essentials...the crisis being that there are only 52 weeks in a year.
2/ The US's "national crisis" will continue til the structure of the post-1971 USD reserve status is changed; til it is, nothing will change. Essentials will continue to rise in cost while wages won't, as the US suffers from worsening "USD Dutch Disease"
3/ "USD Dutch Disease" relegates US's role in world to producing the USD's that China needs to buy up the world's finite assets, sacrificing US middle- & wkg-classes to do so. This means there will likely be no de-escalation of political tensions til the USD status is changed.
4/ Do certain US officials know they need to change the US "money system" to fix this? The preponderance of the evidence says they do. Consider:

Paul Krugman to Bernard Lietaer: “Never touch the money system…NEVER touch the money system!” – 11/9/09
5/ “Now, Paul Krugman told me personally, that it was totally crazy to talk about the money issue. We were both from MIT, we graduated from the same school, we had the same professors, right? Here’s what he told me:
“Didn’t they tell you?! Never touch the money system!"...
6/ "NEVER touch the money system! You can touch everything else…never touch the money system…"
7/ "You will not be invited to the right places, and you can kiss goodbye the Nobel and anything else that is worthwhile getting. You’re killing yourself academically if you touch the money system.”
8/ To be clear, this is NOT about me telling people to vote for one party over the other. This is about me having 3 sons & knowing where this could lead unless we address the true root cause of what's happening ("the money system").
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