For laughs, let's post some bad things that have happened in crypto while HEX has been up 100%.

RVN inflation bug
Kucoin hacked
Mex cops
Okex cops
Sushi exit scammed
You guys can list all the rug pulls better than I.
What else?
Blukirby nft exit
Bitboy nft exit
QuadrigaCX exit
McAfee shilled then attacked skycoin, ghost, what else? Then he jail.
Willy woo fund bust.
That other btc kid fund bust too.
What was his name @PeterMcCormack u said he was good.
Oh yeah, it was tuur demeister
Hey Peter which one of your advertisers exit scammed? I heard.
Binance sued for laundering a thousand or more btc by another exchange that got hacked.
ETC 51% attacked a few times lol.
Electrum users phished for a few thousand btc with fake upgrade notices.
The funny part is, I know tons of other things were rekt as well, but I'm not noob enough to be in those circles.
If someone wants to link articles for all these things, would be cool!
100% up time guys, reliability, not price. Price is up 7,149% lol.
Remember. This is just things After HEX launched.
BZX hacked 3 times lol. Absolute idiots.
opyn hacked.
imbtc hacked
here's some more lol
It would appear that much of crypto is a trashfire, and HEX is amazing as hell.
Iota manner shut down and private key loss via core wallet exploit, and a bunch of other horrible things.
Mimblewimble based GRIN 51% attacked.
Ledger users addresses, email and other data leaked, then used to phishing attack them.

Also the bitcoin electrum fake upgrade notice but I think I mentioned that already?

Mex emailed all their users emails to other users.
"Cred" goes bankrupt owing up to 1/2 billion USD. (Not your keys not your coins, seriously.)

By the way Okex still hasn't allowed withdrawls since Oct. 16th, 3 weeks ago.
$20M pickle finance.
$85M oracle failure
$CP3R rugged $12M
You should know that there are multiple rug pulls a day where everyone loses all their money. I can't bother posting them all.
This one on #binance has an infinite inflation bug. $cover
Livecoin exchange totally hacked.
Apparently people borrowed xrp from a centralized lending platform, then that platform removed the pay back loan button, so they could only be liquidated.
This last one was unrelated to all the others
XRP getting delisted and SEC'd.
Privacy coins getting delisted.
#unimex $UMEX finance down 95%.
Coinbase is down again.
Apparently other large exchanges are breaking as well. I won't name them, because well, I'm just a really nice guy!
51% attacks on Zcoin (now called Firo)
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