The Indigenous history of Puerto Rico is surely richer than we have been told, because first of all the TaĂ­no weren't even the first nor only group to have populated this land. There's the arcaicos, igneri, ostionoides, saladoides and possibly other groups yet to be "classified."
Now, the wording of classified there is intentional. Because there is a non-negligible amount of artefacts found in Puerto Rico that are known not to be TaĂ­no or any other "classified" group that have been hidden away in storage, have been for many years now.
A history professor commented to me that one such stash of these artefacts (at the time) was under el teatro de la IUPI, and that apparently some had been damaged by MarĂ­a. Many professors and students have requested to do something with them but "the powers that be."
A lot of sources are being left to rot in archives all over Puerto Rico, and since colonial governments always have an interest in people not knowing their history, researchers can't "rescue" them due to lack of permits and funding. See how cultural genocide is continuous.
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