@SenatorBraun @SenToddYoung Since both of your votes for the confirmation of Barrett were known before Trump ever named his choice, I’m sure you didn’t spend any time on the confirmation process. I watched all of it. I was especially moved by @CoryBooker words about the dysfunct-
Ion in the Senate. I hope you take the time to actually have a conversation with him about this topic. Our democracy is in danger and I still hold out hope that your failure to address this is not because you want democracy to fail but because you are too politically ambitious
And morally ambiguous to have the courage to go up against Donald Trump’s corruption, racism and fascism. I keep hoping that you don’t prefer racism and corruption but that instead, you are just too weak to speak out. Maybe talking to Cory will strengthen your resolve. I wish
Our paper, @TheStarPress would spend some time on this subject. The majority of people who don’t want the far right agenda, but who are subjected to it by the minority who do want it, due to our antiquated processes, gerrymandering and voter suppression, will eventually erupt
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