💌 • berhenti insecure, kuy?

(( a thread ))
woah it's been a long time since i posted but well HELLO THERE! NICE TO SEE U HEREEE, thanks for clicking this thread, i hope it helps. you must remember that you did great today and i'm proud of youuu
i'm actually so happy buat ngebahas topik ini karena 3 jam yang lalu gue baru aja persekutuan tentang insecurities. woah, God's works are amazing right. yaudah i hope it helps yaa!
kalian pernah ga sih ngerasa kayak "i'm worthless, gue ga berguna, i'm no one?" that's what we called insecurity.
to be exact, nih definisinya. intinya sih kayak lo cemas akan diri lo sendiri, and you don't feel like ur enough.
coba gue tanya, kita biasanya insecure gara gara apa sih? hmm, kalau gue sih dari nilai di sekolah, penampilan, bakat, ekonomi bahkan? there are a lot of things to be jealous of.
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