Biden isn't a decent guy though.

He lies about everything.

* Biden lied about how his daughter and wife died, claiming a drunk driver did it. That was false.
* Biden lied about being arrested for trying to see Nelson Mandela.

* Biden lied about being endorsed by the NAACP every time he's run.

* Biden lied about being against the Iraq war.

* Biden lied about going to law school on a full academic scholorship
* Biden lied about being at the top of his class

* he cheated on exams in school

* He's plagiarized many times

* Biden lied about his past statements on banning fracking

* Biden lied about Trump not condemning white supremacists.
* Biden lied about his helicopter being forced down in Afganastan

* Biden claimed he was a coal miner

* Biden lied about being a civil rights activist

* Biden lied about participating in sit -ins.
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