I think that part of the reason why white middle class liberals in the UK are increasingly obsessed with race is because it gives them the perfect dog whistle for their rampant anti-working class snobbery. A 'These dirty peasants are bigots' vibe is never far below the surface
The irony is that the 'woke' race-obsessed middle classes don't tend to live in very diverse areas. They live in the wealthy and usually racially monolithic areas, or in enclaves of honky hipsterism in trendy places where they priced the black people out
The elaborate speech codes that the woke are introducing on race aren't borne of a genuine desire to tackle racism: they are designed to make social distinctions, to catch out the working class, ostensibly to signal them as 'racist' but really as of lower social status
This is because the educated, younger middle classes can no longer hope to attain the older, material markers of social status - they aren't necessarily much wealthier than the provincial white working class. So they find new, cheaper ways to assert their snobbery
In their minds these people are Malcolm X. In reality they are more like Hyacinth Bucket.
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