Yesterday, was my 1st virtual poster event. I’d like to share my thoughts on the pros and cons of this new format (see thread). Thanks #ROSAteam for your support and thanks #PFSD2020 for the opportunity (1 of 10 - benefits of virtual poster presentations).
(2 of 10 - benefits of virtual poster presentations) The very few minutes of pre-recorded limiting format beats the awkward stand in front of my poster and takes the pressure off of that moment.
(3 of 10 - benefits of virtual poster presentations) If you come to my poster, it’s because you want to come to my poster, no guessing: "should I initiate the talk, am I smiling too much, enough, is he/she just browsing or being polite?".
(4 of 10 - benefits of virtual poster presentations) I can browse other posters while waiting for visitors. I'm not limited to the 4 posters around mine, which often are organized by themes but sometimes my theme stands out at the conference and get lumped with off topic posters.
(5 of 10 - benefits of virtual poster presentations) I get to keep trace of all the insightful comments and thought-provoking questions about my poster!
(6 of 10 - benefits of virtual poster presentations) Asking questions in a comment box for everyone to see is a bit of a challenge for me but having all the time to formulate my questions clearly by writing is really alleviating too!
(7 of 10 - benefits of virtual poster presentations) The same goes for answering questions. I get more time to think about the right answer, the right tone. If needed, I can even consult with colleagues for the best answer!
(8 of 10 - benefits of virtual poster presentation) I can eat chips, drink tea or other preferred beverage, be in my PJ instead of in this uncomfortable black wool pants I wear once a year that I bought years ago before I gained/lost X pounds. No one sees me!
(9 of 10 - benefits of virtual presentations) I can see others' insightful questions on the others posters and learn too!
(10 of 10 - benefits of virtual poster presentations) I get to share my poster on larger public social media. Can you think of other benefits or challenges?
You can follow @GenevieveArsen0.
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