(1) What is “Pedophilia?”: a thread.

#antimap #mappride #nomap #pedophilia #pedophile #mappositivity #maprights
(2) The merriam-webster dictionary defines “pedophilia” as “a sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object”.

It’s specifically defined as “a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent.”
(3) Essentially, pedophilia is used to define both “feeling sexual feelings towards children”, as well as pedophilia, the psychiatric disorder.

(Words can have multiple definitions, depending on the context it is being used in, and both definitions here are accurate.)
(4) Now, let’s address pedophilia, as it is an attraction to children, versus pedophilia, as it is a disorder.

Contrary to popular belief, a person can experience pedophilic feelings without it being categorized as pedophilic disorder, unless it meets certain criteria.
(5) The DSM-5 is what is used to diagnose pedophilic disorder.

According to the DSM-5, a person experiencing pedophilic feelings must meet the following criteria in order to be diagnosable with pedophilic disorder...
(6) ...

1.) Experiences intense sexually arousing fantasies or urges involving sexual activity with prepubescent children, over a period of at least 6 months.

2.) Has acted on these sexual urges, or the urges have caused serious distress.

3.) Is at minimum 16 years of age.
(7) Following the individual meets the previously listed criteria, it should also be evaluated and specified if the disorder is...
(8) ...

1.) Exclusive type: only attracted to children

2.) Nonexclusive type: attracted to children in addition to mature adults

3.) Limited to incest
(9) Additionally, if a person engages in sexual relations with a prepubescent, but not because of an attraction to children, but rather, because the child was vulnerable and easily available, a profession able may opt not to diagnose the individual with pedophilic disorder.
(10) This is due to the fact that a person who engages in sexual activity with a prepubescent because the victim was accessible, but not because they actually have an attraction to children, will most likely operate (and “hunt”) differently, as well as show different red flags.
(l11) Unless a person meets the criteria stated in the DSM-5, they are not diagnosable with pedophilia, as it is a disorder.

However, pedophilia may still be applicable to them in the sense of sexual and/or romantic feelings towards a prepubescent child.
(12) It is also important to note that the DSM-5 criteria is several years old and many believe it to be out-dated. It has described pedophilia as a “sexual orientation” in the sense of how the disorder works, and many have taken and twisted this ill-wording. For this reason-
(13) - many people argue that the DSM-5 diagnostics for pedophilia need to be re-worded. Many also argue that, with the rise of new information and research, the criteria needs to be updated.

However, as of October 16, 2020, the DSM-5 has yet to be changed.
(14) The following is list of some other important things to note about pedophilia before we finish concluding this thread:

1.) The DSM-5 indicates that there is a correlation between Antisocial Personality Disorder and Pedophilic Disorder. ...
(15) ...

2.) Many adults involved with the criminal justice system will report they were molested as children.

3.) According to the DSM-5, the actual prevalence of Pedophilic Disorder is unknown, with an estimate of 3% to 5%. ...
(16) ...

4.) The DSM-5 notes that males with Pedophilic Disorder begin to feel sexual attraction toward children about the time of puberty.

5.) While sexual orientation is a status generally protected by law-
(17) -, coerced sexual behavior, or sexual behavior with someone under the age of consent is a criminal offense, regardless of sexual preference.

6.) Pedophilic Disorder is highly treatment resistant and rates of recidivism have been estimated to be 25% -50%.
(18.) ...

7.) An estimated 25% to 50% of pedophiles are arrested for child sexual abuse, and an unknown number re-offend but do not come to the attention of law enforcement.

8.) Any behavioral expression of Pedophilic Disorder is a criminal offense in the-
(19) - United States, Canada, and Europe, as well as most other 1st and 2nd world countries.

9.) The DSM-5 indicates that Pedophilic Disorder may be comorbid with substance abuse disorder, bipolar disorder, Depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, and other paraphilias.
(20) That will be all for this thread. If you found any of this information helpful, please be sure to like the tweets. And if you’d enjoy seeing more content like this, be sure to go to my profile and drop a follow! ❤️

#antimap #pedophilicdisorder
(21) Sources:

1.) American Psychiatric Association. (2013a). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (5th Edition). Washington, DC.

2.) Salter, A. (2003). Predators: Rapists, Pedophiles, and other Sex Offenders. Chapter Four. Basic
(22) Sources:

3.) Harvard University. (2010). Pessimism about Pedophilia. Harvard Health Publications.

4.) California Department of State Hospitals. (2012). Forensics: Sex Offender Commitment Program (SCOP).
(23) Sources:

5.) American Psychological Association. (2013). Statement of the American Psychological Association Regarding Pedophilia and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). American Psychological Association.
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