I really didn't want to tweet this or even talk about it but since it's OCD awareness week, I can't just don't do anything.

I've had OCD ever since I was a kid and growing with this condition is hell. People laughing at you for having quirks, not being able to focus
Losing ridiculous amount of time for rituals you KNOW are stupid but actually helps or just coping with too many intrusive thoughts.

No OCD isn't just being organized or picky about details.
These drawings are really good if you want to understand OCD better : https://twitter.com/OCDdoodles/status/1316722405352538112?s=19
I really didn't want to make this thread because I don't want to be defined by my OCD and use it as an excuse if I do something wrong. It makes me lose a lot of time, males me way too apologetic & worried for simple things but I don't want OCD to be an excuse
If you know some people with OCD, please understand that it might take way more energy for them to get into new plans as OCD makes you avoid uncertainties.

Also some small stuff might be huge trigger to some people so don't get shocked if you see someone with OCD spacing out
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