Wooow... so I was right. Those fucking “domestic terrorists”, I will name them that b/c thats what they are, who planned to kidnap Gov. Whitmer.. did plan on killing her. Literally doing it execution style by shooting her in the head. Are you fucking serious??? 🤬

Fucking scum!
Thank God the FBI caught those men in time before they could hurt Whitmer! Thank you, @FBI, for protecting my Governor from those degenerates.

Like really...who in their right mind thinks it’s okay to kill a Governor b/c of how they ran things/you didn’t agree w/ them??
Would you think different if it was, idk, Republican former Gov. Snyder who ran things? You know, the man who let Flint’s citizens be poisoned by contaminated water & lied to cover it up??

Fuck these people & fuck Trump for enabling this.

Stand back & stand by, right, Trump? 😤
Sorry for this thread/rant. I’m angry.

Vote that bastard out. Yes, I said bastard. Idgaf. I could say MUCH worse about that man.

No more Trump administration. I’m sick of this bs.

Please, end this.

Trump doesn’t care about you, only himself, & what he can gain.
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