Something most abled people (and even many disabled people) don’t understand is that services for disabled people that require an application process ROUTINELY and PURPOSEFULLY deny applications.

That‘s because they KNOW many of us can’t manage to dispute and fight a denial.
Even the first application is something many disabled people can’t manage, need significant help with, and that requires significant recovery after.

Often applications involve many doctor‘s visits, evaluations, questioning, forms over forms over forms.

This. Is. Deliberate.
The entire system of disability benefits, services, and supports is built on capitalist „values“ - this means trying to deny as many claims as possible to save as much money as possible.


The system is built on keeping the most vulnerable as vulnerable as possible.
When I applied for a German disability care level, my first application got denied...based on outright lies and fabricated answers to questions I was never asked.

Even though I had witnesses and support at my evaluation!?

These people are ruthless.
Because they can be.
I did contest the decision and went through the entire process again (with support of course).

On my appeal I got care level 1 - even though my points factually added up to mid level 2.

I didn‘t have the strength to appeal again.
Even though I KNOW they purposefully did this.
This is only one very abbreviated example of MANY similar experiences I‘ve been through.

The entire system is corrupt - and I‘m in GERMANY, where it‘s MUCH better than e.g. the US.

I need people who never experienced these things to shut up and listen to those of us who have.
So much unnecessary suffering of disabled people is caused by what we are being put through by other people, by society, by the government.

Many disabled people say being disabled is a full-time job.
They aren‘t lying.

Unless you live/lived this, you have no idea.
No idea.
To fellow disabled people:

The system is BUILT to deny you as much help as they can get away with.

If you can fight, fight. Fight with everything you got: family, friends, support staff, lawyers, you name it. Bring it all - they do!

To abled people:

Fucking change this.
Dear disabled people,

if you get denied for disability services, don‘t think that means you don‘t have a right to it, or that you don‘t deserve it.

Question it.

Fight it.

Demand the support you need until you get it.

If you can.

And if you can, help those of us who can‘t.
I could ask, heck BEG abled people to support us, to change the laws, the procedures, the whatnot...but I am honestly sick of asking abled people for help only to be ignored again so I won‘t anymore.

I‘m demanding it.

Disabled people WILL have justice.
The day will come.
Disabled people are routinely taught

to overcome
we aren‘t worthy
we‘re lesser than
we get „special treatment“
there‘s a lack of resources
professionals know what they’re doing

This trains us to accept denials, not realize appeals exist, or that we have rights.

Now you know ✊🏻

And if you need help fighting, this help exists too!!!

And if you can‘t fight, I understand - and you still deserve the support you need.

I am getting overwhelmed at the injustice of this again, so I‘m ending the thread here ❤️
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