According to Trump's "Columbus Day" proclamation, past statements from folks within his administration...I am a Radical Activist. According to the U.S. Constitution, I am a Merciless Savage Indian. According to the U.S. government, I am part of the "Indian Problem".
According to non-Natives attacking Natives & our rights, destroying our homelands & sacred sites, destroying our resources & demanding that our sovereignty & identities be de-established, erased, & assimilated, I am anti-American, Anti-White, Leftist, Terrorist, Extinct, Nothing.
It's not easy being an Otoe-Missouria and Choctaw woman in a Nation that despises who you are and refuses to acknowledge your humanity, much less your right to life, liberty, and justice.
It's not easy and yet every day, I exhaust myself educating, advocating, and fighting for an America that I believe we can be.
One in which we can all co-exist, thrive without having to sacrifice the well-being of one community for the sake of another and without having to sacrifice our water, land, and resources.
We have the potential to be so much more, to be better, and leave a better path forward for our future generations.
People often ask why I still fight and to be honest, I ask myself that very question A LOT!
But at the end of the day, it's an easy answer. If I give up, if WE give up....then nothing changes and we continue on a path of destruction. Hopelessness and Despair is not the legacy that I want to leave or answer for in the spirit world.
You can follow @johnniejae.
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