I’m a black man (clearly) I believe myself to be masculine, I think I’m well informed & well intentioned— Cube ain’t it as it relates to this topic in particular. I can’t speak to any other endeavor he may or may not be involved in, but this? This been pathetic
Y’all using gender to justify someone being able to use their voice.

The man is ill informed. That’s it right there. Why in God’s name do you want an ill informed mothafucka “speaking on your behalf”? Cut that out.
Whenever a black man comes up short in a situation like this, where they’re ill informed, some other black man will make it an attack on his masculinity/voice as a black man. This ain’t that.
Roland Martin even gave him an opportunity to display how much he understood about this big platinum plan & his pivot was to ask about Biden. Although we should ask about Biden you don’t know anything about the shit you supposedly helped with?? Y’all confident in that?
There should be a black agenda. Both parties should do more for black people. To be candid, we should align our votes to those who’d benefit us most as a collective, regardless of party.

That’s all valid— Cube still don’t know wtf he’s talking about. It’s not a gender thing
He doesn’t have to be a policy expert, just know what it is you’re discussing. Especially if you’re over there making a big hoopla about. That’s not a hard ask.

If reading & comprehension is a hard ask we’re doomed.
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