I need to vent... y’all Russia has won. They’ve literally spent the last 5-6 years socially engineering our country to be a shit show. No, I don’t believe Trump was active in colluding with them but members of his team accepted the help.
Russia’s end game was to get him elected because they KNEW he was unqualified and by his own devices sow discord in the democratic system. They did it mainly with social media, influencing the same boomers who initially hated social media.
Those boomers who said social media is a waste of time and that it would rot our brains are the same ones that be ALL over Facebook believing fucking memes as fact. Russia really won and they are laughing at us.
Instead of a US gov. that would continue to be world leaders with diplomacy, innovation and strategic action we’re fighting each other over cable news headlines and teetering on a second civil war.
One side wants to get back to the “good ole days” and be stagnant in innovation. “We need oil, coal and gas forever! That new stuff is gonna take jobs!” Bruh, America used to LEAD, the days of horse n buggy... gone! Brick n mortar stores, replaced by chain dept stores.
Investing in green energy is literally going to create jobs!! We’d still need skilled trades to build the infrastructure duh!!! Let China and India have the coal power plants, the steel mills... we’ve been there and done that. Now is the time to lead in new technology!
The US used to believe in science and innovation. The general population used to care. Remember the space race? The steel boom I’m sure scared the lumber industry but it advanced the country for the better.
Now it seems as though the main concern is entertainment and social issues. Not to say those aren’t important because we need both. Social issues should be in the lead with innovation, not entertainment.
I’m just frustrated and I don’t see a bright future if Trump stays in office. I really see a second civil war on the horizon. All in all; we need to innovate again and Russia won. Trump isn’t some nefarious genius, he’s a doofus that got/is getting exploited.
Understand history and that it repeats itself. Please don’t have so much faith in gov and the “laws” to think we can’t break out into a civil war. We’re already experiencing the embers with conflicts at protests.
Remember Crispus Atticus? The shot heard around the world? Those two events were the catalyst to start war in a time where discord was already prevalent. WE ARE THERE, all that’s missing is the catalyst.
The most important thing to consider is how the GOP has been campaigning to pretty much eliminate the right to protest (against just causes) and ACB just so happen to forget that we have a right to protest in her hearing the other day. Shit is real y’all.
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