how to take care of your hands and nails; a thread💅
ok so due to covid everyone has been washing their hands a lot and using hand sanitizer which can be bad for your skin and make it dry so here are a few tips that i personally use to take care of your hands
1. after washing hands, dry them and use hand cream, honestly any would do or even if you have a lotion bottle lying around your house somewhere. you don’t need to apply the hand cream on the inside of your hands as much tho so you can apply hand sanitizer
2. before going outside apply hand cream or lotion. since it’s getting cold the skin can break and even sting sometimes because of how dry it is. a layer of hand cream will prevent that from happening most of the time.
3. apply vaseline and hand cream or lotion before going to bed. it’s kinda like a deep moisturising mask but for your skin.
4. honestly just apply hand cream during the day when you have time. i usually apply it in the morning, around 10am, then lunch time, 4pm and before going to bed and in between those times.
taking care of your nails is also important if you want your hands too look nice. keeping your nails the same length and shape can make a difference to how your hands look.
1. cut your nails regularly if you’re not growing them long. have a base and top coat, and a nail strengthener if your nails are thin. if your nails are already strong then just apply a base and top coat to make them look shiny and healthy.
2. shape your nails. when your grow out your nails a bit, file them to your desired shape. it’s best if they’re a bit longer than you want them to be since when you file them, they can become too short. it all depends on the shape you want.
if you already like the shape your nails grow in naturally then that’s even better, you can skip this step :)
3. cut your cuticles when needed. it can make a difference and make your nails look much cleaner. also make sure to apply cuticle oil if you already have some or hand cream can be an alternative
4. get your nails done if you can. it’s only nails but it can make you feel better sometimes. i personally don’t get mine done but i do them myself. i learnt from my mum and youtube. i’m not a professional so they aren’t perfect but they still look great and make me happier :))
doing your nails can also be fun if you’re bored and need something to do. i usually put on a show like tvd and just spend all day doing my nails. it sounds bad now that i say it but when you don’t have anything else to do, it passes the time faster😅
also ik places are closing so if you can’t that’s ok!! you can still order a few things online they don’t have to be expensive. you can use regular nail polish and do a fun design with things you have at home eg. a toothpick, paint brushes, etc.
that’s it for this thread. thank you for reading if you read this far!! i’m sure youtube or google can explain it much better than me but this is what i do so i thought it might help others.
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