People who believe they’ve been treated unfairly by the govt, police forces, or other public bodies, have long been able to seek justice in the courts. ⚖️

But, worryingly, this important safeguard could soon be watered down...
Judicial review – or JR – basically allows normal people to challenge decisions by public authorities.

Governing is hard and mistakes can be made.

JR enables judges to review a decision and, if for example it's found that it breached a person's human rights, quash it.
Boris Johnson and Lord chancellor Robert Buckland QC have set up a panel of experts tasked with examining the need “for potential reforms to (JR)”.

It's feared the government wants to weaken, not strengthen, JR as a way in which citizens can hold it to account.
Govts have claimed JRs have been used excessively, causing unnecessary delays in achieving policy outcomes.

But @thebarcouncil says applications for JR fell by 44% between 2015 and 2019.

And legal aid cuts have already reduced access to JR.
If JR is curtailed or cut, we stand to lose an essential safeguard through which we can stand up for our rights when public bodies get things wrong.

Still not convinced?

Well, we've listed some of the great things JRs have done for us here:
One example we've included is the legal action taken by @Foxglovelegal and @GoodLawProject following the exams algorithm debacle this summer.

They helped students take initial steps towards a JR, putting pressure on the government ahead of its eventual U-turn.
We can also look to the actions taken by ordinary people to hold public authorities accountable amid the coronavirus pandemic.

This includes a JR launched by doctors @meenalsworld and @RadioCricket over PPE guidance.

And nightclub owner @JeremyJoseph over the 10pm curfew
In 2017, fees the government imposed for certain kinds of employment tribunal claims were ruled unlawful.

The legal action was brought by @unisontheunion.

At the time Gen Sec @DavePrentis said: "These unfair fees have let law-breaking bosses off the hook these past four years"
We'll keep you up-to-date on the future of JR and what it means for you.

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