I know nobody asked for a struggling Liverpool indie band's singer's opinion on COVID-19, but we're all screaming into the void here aren't we.

Given the 'protests' this weekend it got me thinking..

COVID-19 is a smokescreen. It really is.

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..just not the one Cosmic Scousers of the internet are peddling with their well-meaning but ultimately dangerous pish.

The pandemic, combined with an ailing economy & the clusterfuck that is Brexit has gifted the right-wing the perfect opportunity to sell off the NHS, increase powers of surveillance/throw workers' rights/food standards/tenants' rights/the arts/the North etc. to the dogs.
Contracts are being slipped to mates left right and centre, laws are being rushed through and services are being run into the ground, simply because they can be..

..this is of course aided by an opposition that, bar a few principled heroes has adopted the "Sure you want to do this? Oh you are? Go on then" method of opposing, but that's another rant; basically the government are doing this because they can - who's going to stop them?
Certainly not a media owned by Tory donors and certainly not a public that is spending its time arguing that 5G makes you spraypaint phoneboxes or that a vaccine will trace your location and collect personal data better than the phone in your pocket already does.

We're of course feeling it in Liverpool, but this isn't exclusively our battle.

I’d agree with those who say that this tactic is like the planned ‘Managed Decline’ project of Thatcher’s reign, but this time, the decline isn’t managed – it’s the opposite, it’s entropy.
Stir things up and leave them alone and eventually, the chaos and randomness of the event will lead to its destruction until there’s nothing left.

Light a fire & entropy dictates the wood will burn to smoke, ash & smoulder away until nothing remains; all the atoms have been spent, scattered away into capricious nothingness. You don’t have to do anything to aid it, the universe's randomness will sort that for you.

We can then swoop in where there once was a fire and sell you a new one, that doesn’t quite burn as well, but costs a fortune. In fact, I know a pal who can sell you one, let me pass a contract his way…

That's what this shower are doing; there’s no ‘managed’ decline here, it’s basically shake the snow globe and let the decline take its own course. Good luck with it all; shut the pubs, tell the artists to retrain, open the universities and off you go..

Call for some ‘good old British common sense’ and let the whole thing run its course into oblivion, because there’s a fortune to be made in oblivion.

COVID-19 is a smokescreen for sure, but not for some unseen evil; it's an evil that's been staring us in the face for the past ten years.

5g is fine, the virus isn't a hoax, wear a mask, keep your distance, listen to the Shipbuilders (sorry, couldn't resist), don't give your nan Coronavirus - and for God's sake, don't bring Hillsborough into this.

And that's that. I'll leave it there and - this being Twitter - await the torrent of abuse calling me a "typical Scouser" or wishing death upon me and my dog.

Anyway, the new King Creosote single is ace so I'll go listen to that instead.

Funny old world isn't it?

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