Three weeks ago, Elinor Lipman sent me the manuscript of her latest novel, Rachel to the Rescue. It is about a woman who works in the White House. Her job is to tape back together all the important government documents that Trump rips up at the end of meetings*.
*This is an actual thing he does.
Rachel writes an email criticising Donald Trump and accidentally sends it to the whole department. She is fired and as she leaves the grounds she is hit by a speeding car and ends up in hospital.
When she wakes up, she is visited by a lawyer who offers her a large sum of money on behalf of the driver. Then she gets an anonymous call suggesting that the driver might be, shall we say, 'a close personal friend' of the president.
Rachel tries to get her life back on track with a new job and potential romance with the chap from the wine store, but the whole car crash/hush money thing threatens to go public. Will it bring down Trump? Or will he manage to do that all by himself?
So here's the thing. I loved this novel. It is wry and satirical and charming and heartwarming, and it takes the piss out of Trump. What's not to like? So imagine my surprise when I found out that it wasn't being published in America.
Why? I don't know for sure. I assume because by the time it came out, sometime in 2021, Trump may well be old news. Or, if he is still in office, no one will have a sense of humour about him any more. Ideally, of course. he'll be in prison.

(I refuse to use any Trump gifs.)
So I suggested a solution. Let me publish it. Now. As soon as possible. Perhaps we can get an ebook out in time for the second debate, and a print edition out for the election. OK, so this was less than a month away – but why not?
Remarkably, Elinor agreed, her agents helped make it happen and, today, Rachel to the Rescue is published on ebook. The print edition is published on US election day, November 3rd.
I would love you to buy this from your local bookshop but seeing as this is a last minute, super-fast publication, they are only just finding out about it. Please contact them and tell them you want a copy and they will order it in. They are good like that.
Or, if you want to support the publisher direct, you can buy it from the Eye & Lightning website. And if you use the code RESCUE you will get 30% off and free UK shipping. The discount applies to her other two books from us as well.
American readers can also get our edition. Again, you'll have to ask your local bookshop to get it in but I reckon they'll be keen to do so. Or you can buy it online in the normal places.
And, finally, all of this is happening on @ElinorLipman's birthday!

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