article published in private sector media corporation chaired by Liberal Party politician >> columnist interviewed by ABC journalist on ABC TV >> same ABC journalist replays clip on ABC radio for comment from former media advisor to same Liberal Party politician >>
which crystallises and legitimises the fucking ludicrous false equivalence between - wait for it I am not joking - a *hashtag* citing one provincial leader in Australia and armed militias who are followers of the US President and murder peaceful protestors in cold blood.
the former media advisor to the Liberal Party politician is a grandmaster of trollery. It is not just the left, she said. That do what, pray tell? Kill peaceful protestors? To which our ABC conduit of normalising nazis said oh yes, *both extremes*.
And there it is. Job done.
this is exactly, precisely, the role played by journalists at formerly trusted outlets like fairfax and the ABC throughout the 2019 election campaign on behalf of our revoltingly toxic misogynist of a prime minister and his debased disgusting Coalition colleagues.
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