Although steep, Stephen's Brae, Inverness, is a popular active travel route between the south-east of Inverness and the centre. It's on NCN 1. This view (from Google Streetview) shows how it was in June 2008. Three bollards prevented through-traffic by motor vehicles. 1/7
One footway was lost when it was replaced with stone cubicles used informally as alfresco extensions for the businesses opposite. A new, short flight of three steps was introduced into the footway in front of the businesses. The bollards were replaced by two offset barriers. 2/7
The barriers are normally locked across the route creating a chicane to slow down "whizzing" cyclists. But they can be unlocked & turned for parades etc and fully removed for emergencies. It should be noted that the barriers are across the road. It's footway that's lacking. 3/7
On the rare occasions when the barriers are removed there is plenty space for cycles, buggies, trailers, etc. But pedestrians unable to use the steps have no choice but to transfer to the roadway. Treating it as shared space is more of an issue for pedestrians. 4/7
'Share with Care' signs have been added recently. These try to pass the responsibility on to walkers, wheelers, and cyclists. Meanwhile the real problem is the barriers, footway clutter, and inconsiderate motorists. The need for COVID-19 distancing makes this more important. 5/7
One original footway is gone. The remaining one is gradually being taken over by A-boards, tables, chairs, shop display items, and parked cars/vans. [Loading is legal at set times - but not on the footway.] 6/7
Let's not argue about the barriers. They're simply wrong and should be removed. A single removable bollard would be enough. Segregation could be indicated with (magic) paint, or build out the footway - or possibly guardrails at the pinch point. Note again, it's part of NCN 1. 7/7
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