Morning all. Feeling strong? It is the #JacobinDay of the ox.

Ox not bull, nb.

Possibly a challenge, this one. South London suburbs do not abound in draught animals, I don't know if you'd guessed...
And it's Friday so it's time for a #JacobinDay look ahead. We have a few days left of Vendemiaire but then we're into the Months With Depressing Names. Brumaire (fog) first.
So next week looks like:
M tomato
Tu barley*
W barrel
Th apple
F celery
Sa pear
Su beetroot


Some easy kitchen basics there for a fairly restful change of month.

*no I can't believe there's another bloody barley day. That's three now, yes?
Things get a lot weirder with Brumaire later. I hope some of our wildflower and plant folk are ready. #JacobinDay

Leadworts. Skirret. Chequer tree. Madder. We'll get there.
Also the tools are all about soil conditioning and the animals are all edible birds. I feel like this quarter was where they started the #JacobinDay themed planning, before it all went a bit skewy.

Or maybe I've just spent too long with this calendar.
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