Change is scary. A man will his job in middle age & he won't have even a cent on him to pay rent. Sometimes, he wakes up to a wife that stopped loving him; 2 kids & 10 years later. Other times, he'll just lose the will to go on. Some you'll win, some you'll lose. It's life.
Change is scary. What will people say? Where do I start? And so most of us would sooner wilt in the familiar than risk change. We fight alone in relationships that burned out years ago. We live in past glories. We postpone change, yet change is due. Change is necessary.
Understand that you can never prepare enough for the future. Storms visit you; the devil camps on your doorstep. Stupid happens. It is for this reason man shouldn't neglect his present in the pursuit of the future. In the end, all we have is memories. If you didn't create any...
And when change is due, it is due. It will come - by rail or heavens. Accept your reality, weep for a bit, cash in on your friendships. Start again. It's in the loss of things we cared for most that we evolve. Change can be an end or an opportunity. What it is, you get to decide.
Postponed change is not subdued change. Pain will not go rancid. It'll hurt just as much. The world overflows with triumph that traces back to loss. The pain of betrayal - sting of poverty. All pain is a starting point. A testimony to your consciousness. That it is time for new!
I have nothing against the past. I extend it a grateful eye. For the cars I drove, even as I walk. For the warmth of a home, even as we are separated. And I know I would not change a thing. It isn't in longevity I found redemption...but change.
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