As a result, Governor Brian Kemp selected Kelly Loeffler a successful businesswoman who could be a rebranding of the Georgia GOP.

Kelly Loeffler is the Buckhead vote and notably not the backwoods one.

This choice is making a broader appeal to many white women
No hate on securing the bag, just pointing that out which is why the next tweets explain why this seat is open in the first place
This pick by Kemp and her subsequent semi-scandal on whether or not she used inside information as a US Senator to sell off her personal stocks in related companies have caused her to jettison into the national spotlight much earlier than expected.
It's one thing to be rich, it's another to be famous, and another to be infamous. Especially for a newbie, who is immediately thrust into the national spotlight two years too early.
As a result, she has been challenged by established Georgia Republican Doug Collins as well as Democrats of all sorts who saw the seat as potentially available come November 2020.
Adding another wrinkle to this is the importance of this seat. Whoever wins this seat will be immediately available to serve as a US Senator starting November 4.

Also, a Senator serves for 6 years and will be up for re-election in 2026, NOT 2024.
Son of politician Joe Lieberman, he's still pegged to be fourth and because of this, people are asking him to drop out so that another Dem, Rev. Raphael Warnock can surge, but he's like 'nah, I'm good luv'
#3, Doug Collins, he's currently a US Congressman out of district 9 in northeast Georgia, think Helen, Gainsville, etc... you basically going to Tennesee or South Carolina. A super white, super Red, and super safe district.

He's going after a weaker opponent and could win
Currently, he polls #3 or #2 depending on who's polling.
Here's why:
But if he loses, it's back to the political drawing board.

So on to the next one...
Kelly Loeffler,
Despite her being picked by Governor Kemp, endorsed by Trump, and rich enough to bankroll her own campaign, she's fallen from 1st to 3rd.

Touting her claim as 'America's Most Conservative Senator' and open embrace of Trump
Kelly Loeffler has run into a number of issues from different factions of R's as well as her own WNBA franchise the Atlanta dream, (Yea she owns that too).

Many players on that team, and several players w/n the WNBA, have openly endorsed Raphael Warnock.
This came after she made several comments disparaging the Black Lives Matter movement as well as granting interviews to people with known white supremacist ties.
Collins is positioning himself as a ‘practical’ conservative compared to the current US administration and Kelly Loeffler. It's the right strategy.

This leads us to the #1 candidate now...
Reverend Raphael Warnock

He could be the first Black US Senator EVER from Georgia. And be ONLY the 11th Black senator ever.
Despite Georgia’s long-standing appeal to African-Americans dating back to the end of the Civil War, the state has never had the representation of AA on the US Senate level.

A Warnock win would be an affront to the control of the good ole’ boy system
His campaign is unique in that it's not shy about race, class, over-policing, and the activist faith-based tradition emanating before the Civil Rights movement.
His ads reflect the straight talk and strong man imagery of typical Republican campaigns, it's working.
Warnock is surging but he really needs to get the establishment Dems and others to get behind him:
Oh, I forgot to mention that he's the pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church, yes that church where MLK presided.

This on paper shouldn't have even made it this far but it would be a new update on the tradition of Civil Rights and the Black Church. 
Warnock represents a bridge between the Black church’s civil rights tradition, the Black collegiate educated tradition of Atlanta, and the often forgotten second/third-tiered cities in the south.

Warnock is from Savannah and was educated at Morehouse College here in Atlanta.
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