the dusties are going to turn this into “proof” that she couldn’t possibly be in an abusive relationship. it’s so much more complicated than “I’m the one who hits.” it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. there’s a number or contributing factors.
he has a pattern of agitating her when she’s achieved something big for herself. that’s intentional. it’s sabotage based on his insecurities or envy.
she’s talked about experiencing intimate partner violence and stripping to stack enough money to leave. at no point has she discussed therapy or a healing process. not that we are owed that; she talks about all kinds of stuff publicly.
the definition of abuse she’s relying on seems limited to physical violence. the crazy bitch label isn’t gonna do her any good. it reinforces the idea that she’s the real problem.
which brings me to the incoming tidal wave of “I don’t feel bad for a bitch who ...” statements.
it won’t hurt you to keep your empathy lacking, goat mouth shut. she’s got someone running roughshod over her feelings in front of the world. be thankful your Ls have been in private.
don’t be so ugly about someone else’s dysfunction. “couldn’t be me” isn’t a flex.
and it isn’t proof of any superiority. it’s ugly for no reason.
if she’s pregnant again in 6 months I won’t be surprised. reproductive coercion is a thing. it’s prevalent in IPV situations.
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