1. the difference btwn appropriating indian classical dance and classical music, which both emerged from incarcerated communities in india, is that classical music has been caricatured and commodified by the upper caste communities so much that it doesn't belong to us anymore.
2. hindustani music and south indian carnatic music are considered the main "classical" genres of india, while there exist several other genres because india doesn't have a national identity but a regional one [...]
conflating the bgm of some bs soap opera with "indian classical music" (which isn't a thing) is peak performative privileged wannabe activism and some of u simply need to go outside and donate money to the communities responsible for the creation of these art forms instead
3. essay on how classical music emerged from a need to disconnect incarcerated communities from their art forms that were livelihood, and was commodified into some recreational uppercaste experience in postcolonial india http://www.etd.ceu.edu/2017/ramnath_shreya.pdf
5. while indian classical Music emerged from the postcolonial need for upper echelons in indian society to try and distinguish themselves from the british, but also the lower castes [...]
indian classical Dance emerged from poor, oppressed "outcast" "untouchable" communities (often transwomen), known as devadasis ("servants of god") who would perform for kings and other rich fuckers http://www.forbes5.pitt.edu/article/effect-indian-social-structure-perception-and-development-bharatanatyam
6. the ATTEMPT to appropriate classical dance is still in process in india by brahmins and hindu supremacists, however, will be unsuccessful because an artform emerged from the pain of so-called servants cannot be replicated by the employers of those servants
fuck u stupid rich indians who don't have bigger problems to worry abt and talk abt cultural appropriation with absolutely zero clue abt ur own history and what role u play in being an oppressor and appropriater urself. ted talk over go DlE
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