Just watched the phone booth episode of Pete & Pete and the ending made me cry. What an amazing series.
Nickelodeon was really special back then. They produced all this very creative and sometimes subversive content that was geared towards kids but still would appeal to several generations
P&P was kinda like a Twin Peaks for kids in the sense that it was about how strange life can be. You're growing up, everyone around you is weird.
It's also about the bravery and curiosity of youth. You'll accept challenges because you don't have the same fears adults do.
Artie (the strongest man in the world) is friends with all the kids bc he is fearless
Big Pete was more sensitive, Little Pete more reckless. They represent adolescence and prepubescence.
I had kinda the opposite experience of not discovering recklessness until I was an adult, but I relate still
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