Random thoughts:

Get this, slavery has never ended. And if we think it has we are lying to ourselves. It moved from national borders-abroad. We like to make fun of “Chinese” products but those workers are being exploited by their own government (that doesn’t protect them)
...and by the “masters” in developed countries, leaders of international corporations. How much are they really getting paid?

Seriously, why is it that 1% of the world population owns 40% of the entire Earth’s wealth (different sources say different things, this one is “nice”)?
Not to mention the environmental impact this “shift of labour” has unavoidably created on the planet... From national to sea crossing that is, right? (source of wealth distribution at the end)
Even minimum wage in developed countries is a joke and I’ve been saying this since the moment I joined the labour force: employers ask for THE MOST yet give you the literal least that they are OBLIGED to give you...
...it’s like being in a relationship where one person takes, takes and takes, demands, demands and demands while giving you the least possible, before it can be considered abuse, lol?
I mean I’m not saying I have a plausible solution for this right now and I don’t want to envolve any terms or “paradigms” just yet but, idk we must wonder right? We literally are all connected at the end of the day so, stay aware I hope 🤞
Oh last thing, the world is purposely constructed under a “triangular shape” (visual learner) or hierarchy if you want and it has been for millenniums but what if it was a circle- like we all pinch in equally, you dig?
But don’t quote me here, these are “rough drafts”
Btw got the idea/inspiration for this thread from Angela Y. Davis’ book- Woman Race and Class, chapter 13. The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework: A Working-Class Perspective :)
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