A thread:
For all my natives who are curious about investing in the stock market, think of it like an NDN Taco:
FRYBREAD = Index Funds and ETF’s. The foundation of the taco/the most important part of the taco! If this is done wrong the whole taco is wack! Even worse, no Frybread. Low cost, low fee index funds/ETF’s with solid to great returns over long periods make for some bomb fry bread.
BEEF = Long hold stocks. The second most important ingredient, u gotta have it. If u want your beef to be good you gotta season it with some established, successful for a decade plus, innovative tech companies (with great leadership and products). Successful dividend stocks too.
CHEESE, LETTUCE, TOMATOES, SOUR CREAM = Swing trading short term stocks/covered call options. Being uneducated and not in control of your emotions will fuck a native up here, like cheese and sour cream. But if u got the stomach it can be good for u, like lettuce and tomatoes.
THE SEXY SHIT LIKE JALAPEÑOS AND SALSA = Short term options and futures trading. If you don’t know nothing about all the above then don’t even worry about this. I don’t even know nothing about this yet, just like idk nothing about legit jalapeños.

P.S. This is not financial advice. This thread is purely for creative and inspirational purposes. Do your own research before investing in any assets, securities etc.
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