I loathe Trump but the danger of a Biden win is that for decades the Dems have been using social issues as a way of showing they’re on the left, leaving them free to pursue far right economic policies while securing approval from the mindless Woke Brigade. 1/
Trouble is, the Democrats are running out of substantial social issues. The trans nonsense exploded in the public area after same-sex marriage was secured. A new definition of racism, of which everyone is terminally “guilty,” has arisen to replace the old definition. 2/
Of course there’s the bogeyman of threatened abortion rights, SCOTUS & Roe v Wade to get the Dem voters in line. So today’s wealth disparities rival the days of the Robber Barons, we have no health care, but oh: abortion & racism & trans! Thus Joe Biden’s ridiculous comments. 3/
We have no jobs, no health care, no parental leave, no secure retirement. We have enormous educational debt. But ohhhh Trump’s a Nazi so let’s vote for the party who nominated a dotard. Let’s get nothing of what we want, need, or deserve as human beings. 4/
Again: I loathe Trump. I loathe the Republican Party. But I loathe Biden and the Democratic Party just as much—perhaps more so, because they pretend to be the party of the working class (not sure whether to laugh or gag here). 5/
It’s tempting to say that we Americans are stupid, ignorant, and passive and deserve what we get, if these two options are there near our “system” can produce. But no. Even we don’t deserve this. Party politics needs to die. Money in politics needs to die. 6/
We need to (peacefully, metaphorically) burn this system ruthlessly and completely to the ground and start again, perhaps modeling our govt on that of more successful nations. 7/
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