So I know when I talk about astrology on here people who aren’t spiritual might think I’m crazy lmao, but I did want to talk about mercury retrograde a bit in terms of mental health, because it does provide reasoning for why a lot of us might be feeling reappearances of negative-
Thought patterns.
So mercury is the planet that deals with mind and our thoughts (as well as communication and a bunch of other stuff). Right now mercury is in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is a very secretive sign, and deals with things that are private and under the surface. On top of this—
Retrogrades are periods of reflection. More literally speaking, they’re when the planets are moving backward in relation to how we see them in the sky. So retrogrades are times to reflect and bring to light things that might be working against us, or things that we aren’t aware-
Of. So mercury retrograde happening in Scorpio, a very private sign, means we might be experiencing old harmful thought patterns that we thought we were done with, but aren’t actually. Like for me, a lot of low self esteem surfaced again similar to how I thought of myself in—
High school, which means very low self worth and self image. Since it’s a retrograde period (reflection) that has to do with the mind and thoughts (mercury), specifically hidden and private thoughts we have about ourselves and others (Scorpio) it is likely, or would at least—
Make sense that old harmful thought patterns might be resurfacing. Retrogrades are all about reflecting and dealing with things that have not yet been dealt with and need to be addressed. This can manifest differently for everyone. So I just want to say that you’re not crazy—
The astrology right now does provide a reason for this! And this isn’t happening to torture you, it’s bringing these things to light so you can deal with them once and for all. So while you do still have to maintain good mental health and a positive outlook, know that the—
Astrology right now is majorly contributing To this! You aren’t crazy❤️
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk lmao
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