Dyslexia: A thread
i’ve always had trouble reading out loud and pronunciation and writing numbers and reading them for as long as i can remember followed by *cripling* anxiety, followed by several physical effects from anxiety, Literally since kindergarten. but it was never really a *problem*
But I’ve learned to live with it or whatever, so when i read something out loud, i ‘practice’ reading it first before i have to say it out loud, so i feel comfortable with it, and the contents. Thats how i have learned to accommodated my needs, since i was never offered and help.
but there was this one time i can VIVIDLY remember like freshman year of high school or late middle school i was handed something to read out loud,I didnt have time to look at it first and I physically couldn’t get it out of my mouth, stuttering, re reading it, the whole 9 yards.
I remember the humiliation and anger i felt because I physically couldn’t real it aloud, some kids in the class started laughing and making fun of me say ‘today junior’ and the teacher felt bad so she then read it and saved me. But that feeling is something i have never let go.
It wasn’t until recently within the past couple years i have found out i have diagnosed dyslexia coupled with anxiety, and knowing that i have learned how to live with it ALONE graduated high school, in college as a pre-vet major, hopefully making it to graduate & then vet school
gives me a sense of satisfaction and a calling to help children with this and understand how to deal and learn with it *unmedicated* It saddens me that mental health is not something that was taken seriously as i grew up, and is not taken as seriously as it should today.
so this thread is dedicated to everyone, especially the younger generation that you can do it❤️ especially all other mental health disorders and diseases, get the help you need. Get your children the help they need. your spouses, family members, etc. everyone, no matter how old
or young can be diagnosed with mental health disorders/diseases. Make it normal to talk to a therapist, even if you don't have any mental issues! Think of them as your life coach and friend. & also a big fuck you to high school bullies💖 y'all deserve help too though, go get it💕
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