Why are they using iMovie transitions between camera angles in the junior men's stream at Budapest trophy??? đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
I am grateful that Budapest trophy is giving us a stream at all... but between the level of audio grain and these ridiculous ripple transitions...
Oh. Oh no. There's DIFFERENT transitions 3 skaters in...
Okay, they've improved to just crossfades. Not my fav but I'll take it!
I... you had a perfectly fine crossfade


My heart can't handle this
I can't even focus on the skating from these junior men. I'm too distracted by the ridiculousness of these transitions

Do they have it set to random???
Please tell me they didn't do this all day???
In the continuing saga of the camera and tech work at Budapest trophy...

This A+ shot
I don't even know where they pulled this lower third from? It looks nothing like the others 😂😂
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