I’m watching both Town halls side-by-side. Biden is absolutely creaming Trump, it’s not even close. Trump has absolutely no answer except blaming everyone else and saying how great he is. Biden is compassionate, specific, articulate, and presidential.
Biden is articulating a plan for addressing structural inequity, in detail. Trump is blaming everyone else and saying how great he is.
Biden speaks with passion about race and racism. Trump claims to know nothing about the racist conspiracy theories he retweets from his own Twitter account. He just disavowed one of his own tweets
Biden is giving an impassioned and detailed response about community policing. Trump is blaming everyone else and saying how great he is.
40 minutes in Biden is winning and it’s not even close
Pretty much every Trump answer is about himself. Every single Biden answer is about people and communities that he wants to help
And Biden has a plan. Every answer is about a plan. Every single Trump answer is just saying how great he is
The tenor of the Biden town hall is, let’s sit down and work out our differences and come up with solutions. To call the tenor of the Trump townhall televised mansplaining is an insult to mansplaining.
Meanwhile in Florida, Trump voices support for giving up on public health strategies and letting over 1 million more Americans die from coronavirus
Biden puts his faith in science. Articulates a very clear plan. By my armchair calculations his plan would kill roughly 975,000 fewer Americans but that’s just off the top of my head
Trump now claiming that he has no idea how ACB would vote on R versus Wade.
Biden talking about the importance of bipartisan efforts To address common threats like cancer and the coronavirus. Claims that everyone in the country should have healthcare. Details a plan for how that should happen.
Trump talking about how he has a “great relationship” with the African-American community because of everything he has done for them
Biden is still going, talking about a detailed plan for addressing climate change. Trump concluded by saying that a bunch of great stuff that hasn’t happened yet will happen in the future And everyone will love it
Biden talking with passion about strategies for addressing the climate crisis. He’s still going—very strong night. MSNBC meanwhile now talking pretty much only about Trump - playing pretty much right into trumps strategy
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