Okay, so, those of you who were keeping up with stuff I've been talking about the past few days, you probably remember a couple days ago I challenged myself to not speak aloud for a whole day. It was quite the interesting challenge soooo...
...since I was already seriously considering it after that, I've decided to try to go silent for a whole week! I will be starting this Saturday morning, and hopefully I can last through next Friday. And maybe a few hours of next Saturday morning too, if I even get that far.
Obviously I'll quit early if I have to speak in an emergency or something, but otherwise I think I can stay silent that whole time. It's gonna be interesting at the very least, and probably real difficult the first two days due to the 'rents being off on weekends hehe.
I'll be tracking my progress with #SilentChallenge, and if you're curious how I will be handling this or want to consider doing something similar, here's an outline of my methods and rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17eY2sHkIX7K4ditWVc0qcJh6CQDrsOPlksm-_xUn2mo/edit?usp=sharing

Wish me luck for a successfully quiet Saturday/following week!
(the zipper in the artwork is a visual metaphor obvs, it's called #SilentChallenge not "seal your mouth shut and die from lack of sustenance challenge", and it is *incredibly* ironic that Twitter glitched when I tried to post this thread!)
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