It's police brutality if it happens to Black people and extrajudicial state-sanctioned murder if it happens to anyone else I guess
If people I don't know are going to see this tweet I should probably provide the contextual bit about how I was aggressively trying to get non-Black folks to call it extrajudicial state-sanctioned murder like 8 years ago and people were like "that's too much"
The words are easier to say today for some reason and that's bullshit imo. My equivalent thing nowadays is people calling militias "white terrorists" because it trades on Islamophobia and also because terrorism classically means action against the state, which this isn't
I wrote a thread about that in august but because twitter is still broken you can't see all of the tweets atm
The whites hear things on enough of a delay to where it's usually too late for the linguistic specificity to do anything substantial anymore but also it provides enough space between us saying it and them saying it, so they can reasonably act like they got there on their own
Language colonizers, must be in the blood. or the skull shape
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