Giuliani was specifically after information on Biden & his son Hunter. Giuliani was told the info would likely be tainted & full of misinformation, but this did not deter him in the least. He didn’t care if it was fabricated, as long as it made Biden look bad. No morals
Barr knew about all of this. He knew the whole time. And he covered this up or at the very least, completely disregarded solid intel
Trump claims there was “no collusion”, but he sought info from these individuals that his intelligence agencies told him were Russian assets. He not only didn’t cut off contact from them, HE SOUGHT THEM OUT FOR EVEN MORE INFO to take down his ‘competition’
During the impeachment trial, Trump denied sending Rudy to Ukraine to get dirt on Biden, from individuals he at this time *knew were Russian assets*. This was a lie. He admitted it later, probably by accident
Trump knew any dirt that Giuliani brought back from Ukraine would probably be tainted misinformation, but he didn’t care. He just wanted it to hurt Biden. It’s almost like he deliberately hired people to invent dirt on the Bidens so he could win

Who does he owe $400 million to?
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