Why is so hard for people to believe that a lot of people carrying our colonization and imperialism were most likely cruel psychopaths and the violence that they inflicted was also gratuitous?
Colonization and imperialism necessitate violence because how else are the colonizers supposed to extract and exploit? But also...I don’t know why people struggle with coming to turn that some of these people, perhaps all of them were psychotic for carrying out this violence.
The idea that all colonizers didn’t actually want to do what they did is so unfounded. It isn’t like everybody regretted doing this. If you read They Were Her Property...you see a lot of these women were incredibly cruel because they could be because if the power dynamics.
It just always amazes me (as in makes me go ???) when people cannot possibly fathom the fact that colonizers probably thoroughly enjoyed what they did.
So many typos in this thread...sorry 🙃
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