being told to take a break for mental health reasons is fucking wack like... obviously that’s the best thing someone’s who feeling overwhelmed can do but only if they’re not coming back to mountains more work which is the only thing that happens when students try to take a break
as an adult you can just what take a weeks holiday and chill the fuck out at home and half the time you’ll be able to go back to work and not have extra work because you took time off but a week off working as a student so you don’t go mad??? not a thing you’ll go even madder
this thread is brought to you by a very very overwhelmed and exhausted student who is already behind on her work
and is also sick of being told to relax and take a break and be kind to myself because I don’t have time for that the only way I can relax is by getting ahead of the work which is literally fucking impossible when you’re being set 150 pages of reading FOR ONE FUCKING SEMINAR
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