Is it any wonder why even a good number of KickVic supporters hate Sabat as a person?

Though many of the more toxic of KV would rather keep defending him as a person for stupid reasons...I mean...who the f**k cares about Vic? Literally half his accusers are just as bad as him.
Assuming there's any truth to the allegations.

I think John K's accusers, if they did their research, would denounce the people at Funi and the KV movement for being hypocrites by denouncing Vic and his supporters while also protecting actual abusers as much as possible.
I mean...Even if Vic WAS a proven creep, why not acknowledge that Sabat is just as much a creep?

I get not everyone believes the Mignogna allegations, but we have people attacking Sabat's accusers just like how others attack Vic's accusers.

Both KV and ISWV are beyond help.
The world is NOT black and white. When it comes to multiple abusers in entertainment, nobody should have to choose between one sex offender and another. Why attack people for accusing someone of abuse just because you think that person supposedly sided with abuse survivors?
What the hell happened to "believing abuse survivors"?

Dear god, not only will people refuse to move on from Vic, whether they're KV or ISWV, they will also outright bully each other, play the victim and keep beating a dead horse as much as possible.
At least I don't hear much about the MJ allegations (post 2019) anymore. Sure there's still some scrutiny and discourse, but almost everyone seems to have moved on at this point, at least for now.
I'm sorry, you can't just pretend and assert that you deeply care about abuse victims and you always have to believe them and denounce anyone who doesn't, especially if you're harbouring and protecting alleged abusers yourself and attacking alleged victims for speaking out.
There is so much hypocrisy in this kind of discourse. I have gotten picked on, called out and attacked by people from KV AND ISWV just for having my own opinion. I have had supporters of a certain 2019 documentary attack me for defending someone I believe was truly innocent.
I've also been attacked by some of its detractors just for supporting the idea of separating art from the artist, rather ironically.

I guess this is what happens when a massive wave of allegations against numerous people takes place. Some tried to cash in on MeToo, but not... a good way. I also remember George Takei being accused of sexual assault by someone (apparently a male accuser, if I remember correctly) and Takei denied the allegation. Almost everyone moved on after a while. Statues of limitations, probably, but "Innocent until proven...
...guilty" played a vital role in things since there's been no further updates since.

I fully support the right for abuse victims to speak clearly for the world to hear no matter what, and not be scared, to be heard and believed and not branded as liars or attacked for speaking
BUT, I am also aware that not EVERY allegation is true. People CAN lie about abuse, even women. And this is coming from a feminist who supports the idea of always "believing women" (as long as they are being honest and sincere - they usually are).

I also support "Innocent...
...until proven guilty."

Sure lying isn't anywhere close to being as horrible as actual abuse, assault or whatever....but that doesn't make defamation okay or acceptable. It's still wrong.

Twitter was down for two hours globally which is why this thread was unfinished.
And yes, I am a former KickVic supporter and I HAVE done as much research on this matter, looking at both sides. And I now consider Vic's accusers to be just as awful and toxic as Vic himself, if not even worse.

If there's any truth to the claims about Vic, that is.
Now I'm not so sure, and I've honestly lost all respect for KV, his accusers and everyone else at this point.

I was right to say there were ZERO good guys in this.

Everyone on both sides, Vic, his accusers, the people defending either of them are all at fault. No exceptions.
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