Dude this show fucking *SUCKS*. And this isn't coming from an ideological place. The old Tim and Eric was actually funny. But these Leftist casualties of TDS are legitimately broken people. If this were my friend and I saw this show I'd text him and be like "Is everything okay?"
Dude he's just babbling nonstop about "Zoomers" and they keep playing sound drops like it's a fucking morning zoo show (regularly playing sound drops in 2020 is fucking lame BTW). And clips of Trump. And no jokes.

I'm not kidding, this is one broken guy.
These unfunny, miserable people started taking themselves way too seriously a few years ago. And look at them now.

Anytime you are arguing with a brainwashed Leftist, look at their eyes. Their eyes tell the entire story.
My prediction? Tim is going to start pivoting into some pseudo academic bullshit attempt at a "semi serious comedy" show. Mark my words. He'll parade out some blue checkmarks weekly to talk about how white people want to kill everyone who is gay and brown.
Mark my words. It's gonna be one of those "Hey fellow young people, we're gonna talk about the threats facing America and whine about Trans Sex Workers not making as much as Cis women do in their Etsy stores. But we present the info in a quirky, funny way."

BLECH! Fuck off!
Screenshot this thread. And come back to me in a month or two. And I'll bet you dollars to donuts that Tim Heidecker will be having people on to babble about how Q Anon and the KKK are the single biggest threat to this nation while never mentioning Antifa burning down your cities
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