BTW: sarcasm almost never works in text. Or if spoken and transcribed or quoted. "That was clearly sarcastic" is never a good defense. You need to craft that sarcasm very carefully, like a comedian. Most of us can't do that.
The sarcastic line must have within it a clear sign that it is sarcastic. Often by loading it with an extreme example that is instantly interpreted as sarcastic and/or humorous.
For example: "Oh do I absolutely pine for those good old days when I may have limped barefoot and terrified through the cold, lumpy sewage that covered the dark and dangerous streets."
This thread is not meant to subtweet anyone, either elected or in the geekosphere. I just have a feeling that in ~5 years old sarcastic Tweets will back up like a blocked downspout and make a lot of people's persona... uh, complicated.
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