one of these days, i hope to stop being surprised by this shit. @GreenNewDealVA and @vasierraclub are screening a new doc called "Reinventing Power," complete with expert panel. cool, might be worth checking that out. but who are these two suits sitting on the panel?
Virginia's own Apex Clean Energy. perhaps some corporation that has seen the light and supports the Green New Deal? let's check their associations, and... ah, I guess not. Apex's CEO sits on the Board of Directors of @VA_AEE.
you remember AEE, right? the business lobby that wrote and muscled through the dog's breakfast known as the Virginia Clean Economy Act, or VCEA, which, in addition to the billions it gives away to Dominion Energy, was used to thwart the Green New Deal Act?
guess I will be attending the screening, after all. i have some questions i'd really like to ask a pair of the panel experts

i swear, there aren't enough hours in the day to keep an eye on all the weasels
looks like i picked the right week to be really pissed off about the VCEA
my good, smart friend said i should redact and repost the response i sent to @GreenNewDealVA, and you should always listen to your good, smart friends
three updates to this thread: 1, the folks at GND VA reached out to me, and we had a very pleasant conversation yesterday; although, if i'm being honest, i'm not sure how i feel about where the conversation ended. i'm gonna try to post something about it after tonight's panel
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