I'm seeing a lot of people who hate when white people say "Unfortunately I'm white" and like... Am I missing some context or something here?

Bc Idk if you can really be antiracist without hating the fact that you're white at least a little
I mean the very sight of you is a show of solidarity with white supremacists and sends the message that they're right, no matter what decisions you make or how much work you do - at least to strangers. And sending that message causes harm
I mean, isn't the whole idea of antiracism to value fighting oppression more than you value your privilege?

That's kinda impossible when you wear the N word of skin colors. I mean having privilege is great for the person who has it but it's kinda selfish to say it's worth it
Or is saying "Unfortunately I'm white" so annoying bc people say it to virtue signal so much? Like "Look how woke I am and how much I hate my own whiteness :D"?

(In that case, I'm sorry if this thread comes off that way. I'm genuinely wondering how to approach this)
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