Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad never existed, but were fictional characters made up to molest minds with a false enslaving concept of god.
Neither Judaism, Christianity, nor Islam can ever liberate you because they were specifically designed to enslave your mind for their clergy to exploit. This is true regardless of your race, but especially true for the Afrakan race.
In their texts, you are a cursed race made to be slaves. Period. As a good slave, you defend their religion more than they do.

So who is the real one and only God, the only one that liberates minds and leads to holistic prosperity in all aspects of life?
The ancient Kushite-Kemetic texts are clear that there is only ONE GOD, His name is Amen (His feminine name is Amenet). His name means inner-peace, not "the hidden" as some believe. This is His supreme form.
It is from the name of Amen that the thieve religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam use the word amen in their prayers. You cannot escape the original. As the self-created who creates without anyone else's help, Amen is called Min. In His visible aspect He is Ra.
In His tangible aspect He is Ptah. In His simplest complete aspect He is Atum (from where the word atom comes from). These are all different forms of Amen and the reason He is also called Amen-Ra. In West Africa He was known in Dogon as Amma.
He was also called Amuniwaye in Yoruba (another name for Olodumare).

Know that the Kushite-Kemetics did give a name to the Supreme Being.
Asiancentrics masquerading as Afrocentrics are using Taoist nonsense to claim that God is unnameable in Kemet.
This is not true, the Kushite-Kemetics considered names to be a very sacred and powerful thing, which they called "ren." For a thing to have power, it must have a name.
This is why they not only named the Supreme Being Amen, but gave Him many other supreme names such as Ra, Ptah, Atum, to express His supremacy in other aspects. Sometimes, they would also call him Nebertjer (lord of all) to allude to Amen-Ra-Ptah-Atum.

Amen lives through you.
When it is said that you are God, it is not being said that you are the entirety of God, Amen-Ra-Ptah. It is being said that you are a cell in the body of God, Amen-Ra-Ptah.
As you know, a cell has all the major features of the larger body and why scientists can clone many complete lifeforms based on just one cell. In this way the cell is a microcosm of the macrocosm. Thus a cell is qualitatively the same as a body, but quantitatively different.
However, it is the cell that carries out the functions of the whole body, in fact, that is the cell's purpose.

To understand how this makes you a microcosm of the macrocosm of God think of it as a camp-fire and a forest-fire.
A camp-fire is made up of the same qualitative power of a forest-fire, but on a small local scale that can potentially acquire the same quantitative power of a forest-fire if it is cultivated into one. Cultivate your divine-self.
In Kemet, the macrocosm was Amen and the microcosm (man/woman) was Ausar. It was through venerating Amen (inner-peace) that the god-self is born.
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